How you know the MEDIA is SHILLING the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in Libya

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...Belhadj helped found the
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
He says he was tortured by the CIA and accused of links with al-Qaeda, but Tripoli’s new military commander, Abdulhakim Belhadj insists that he is no extremist or enemy of the United States.
“I have no intention of revenge,” he said in an interview aimed at clearing his name in the media. “I may take legal advice one day, but I won’t be an obstacle in the way of the relationship between Libya and the United States.”.... Nevertheless, the LIFG was banned by the United Nations and listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization. Belhadj was arrested in Malaysia in 2004 and transferred to Thailand, where he was briefly interrogated and, he says, tortured by the CIA. says the Washington Post.
Question: If this guy isn't part of some kind of global Jihad then what is he doing in Malaysia if his primary interest is freedom for Libya? Why is the Muslim Brotherhood tweeting this from the Washington post? ...and why is some guy from Harvard also trying to push the same idea. Something is going on here. There is a push to convince the American public that the Muslim Brotherhood or Al Qaeda (what have you... the same damn thing) is not running Libya right now. Expect to see the media continue to push this idea like as if it were a Global Warming public relations drive. These are the same people who told us that Gaddafi was harmless and a reformer and then back stabbed him. What benefit does commercial media find in promoting such an Anti-America worldview? It isn't just George Soros influence. Keep in mind the Washington Post is owned by Lee C. Bollinger (top guy at the NY FED BANK board: apologies for sounding like a conspiracy theory.. but he really is) who was the guy who allowed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to come to Columbia University to give his vile speech. These guys are after building a relationship with these third world countries so that they can pillage the natural resources. They smugly call Americans provincial and uneducated, but the truth is that they are in it for the money.
