Paul Krugman of the New York Times considers intentionally fabricated data to be signs of "humanity", If one were to steal money (as these claims of "Global Warming" will do to people) would it prove humanity or would it prove fraud and immorality? What is humane about poor ethics? Paul Krugman considers Jerusalem occupied territory when there is photographic evidence showing ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem in 1948 when the city was two thirds Jewish. Changing the data to fit the results is not humanity. Lying to bilk people of their property is criminal.

"Of course, if things go well in Copenhagen, the usual suspects will go wild. We’ll hear cries that the whole notion of global warming is a hoax perpetrated by a vast scientific conspiracy, as demonstrated by stolen e-mail messages that show — well, actually all they show is that scientists are human, but never mind. We’ll also, however, hear cries that climate-change policies will destroy jobs and growth."