Spent the last 24 hours dealing with a Dhimmi Rabbi n his friends telling me that what Islam has written isn't so because he is a Rabbi

Noah David Simon December 5 at 9:52pm
not sure which one of you wrote the invite to this group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=226922005624&ref=share , but if it is you or if you think this group is a good thing... please get the hell of my profile.
I'm defriending each one of you. if you get what I am saying you are welcome to refriend me after reading the following below
From the Hadith
Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Moshe Yehuda Bernstein 玉梦舍 December 5 at 10:16pm Reply
In addition to being a rabbi, I have also studied the Koran extensively, and I can assure tyou that there are many more passages there that refer to the Jews as "Allah's chosen" and "people of the book". In the same vein, there are Moslem Zionists and philo-Semites like the Islamic scholar Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi (see link below) who see the establishment of a Jewish homeland as fulfillment of Allah's word (17:104, The Night Journey). Unfortunately, there are many passages in the Torah and the Talmud which could also be construed in a literal sense as racist or xenophobic, but I believe it is important to resist these fundamentalist interpretations--from any side-- that merely inspire hatred and fear. There is enough of that in the world already without religion adding more. For that reason, I have accepted this particular invitation, even though it is my general policy to curtail my participation in Facebook groups; and because I feel that it is so vital to reestablish the natural kinship and affinity we as Jews share with our Moslem brothers and sisters. If you want to defriend me for that "sin", I am more than happy for you to do so.
בברכת שלום ואהבה Blessings of peace & love,
Moshe Yehuda

Paul S Armstrong December 5 at 10:34pm Reply

A change in my views has happened over the past 5 or 6 years. I am a Muslim Zionist. I firmly believe the Jewish people should be allowed to live in the holy land. I abhor terrorism and any needless loss of life. However, unless we do something to bring Muslims and Jews closer together, cultivating understanding and love between them, there will never be security for the Jewish people. Noah, if you wish to interpret the Qur'an in ways that inspire fanatics to increase their hostilities towards the Jewish people... I'm afraid I cannot stop you... But know that I'm doing what I can to destroy their ideology, promoting spirituality instead, which should in turn help to create a safer, more peaceful world for everyone...

Blessings and peace,


Noah David Simon December 5 at 11:12pm
there is no equivalences to the level of hate in Islam. even the interpretation "we will gather you together in a mingled crowd" in Israel alludes to a way to slaughter them behind those trees.

"Jews and Israel must face the facts that the Koran and the Sunna (the actions and words of Mohammed) are filled with invectives against the Jews. At first the words were complimentary, but when the Jews of Medina rejected Mohammed as a prophet they were all enslaved, exiled, murdered and robbed -- all acts of jihad. These were not historical acts, but perfect examples of Islamic action towards Jews -- models prescribed for Muslims to follow up to the present time. To illustrate the severity of this predicament, statistically speaking, in the Koran of Medina 10.6% of the text is devoted to Jew hatred, whereas, only 6.8% of Mein Kampf is devoted to Jew hatred."


Noah David Simon December 5 at 11:14pm
here are some verses for you to look over. they do not include the versus that my Hindu friends have put together.


"Qur'an (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." There is a good case to be made that the textual context of this particular passage is defensive war, even if the historical context was not. However, there are also two worrisome pieces to these verse. The first is that the killing of others is authorized in the event of "persecution" (a qualification that is ambiguous at best). The second is that fighting may persist until "religion is for Allah." The example set by Muhammad is not reassuring."

Noah David Simon December 5 at 11:21pm
who killed Mohammed? do you know Rabbi?

Moshe Yehuda Bernstein 玉梦舍 December 5 at 11:29pm Reply
Perhaps you did not register when I told you that I have studied the Koran and am familiar with all of those verses, but I am not a literalist and believe in developmentalism when it comes to religions. Fortunately, I know other Moslems like Paul who are redefining the Koran by rejecting the literal interpretation of those verses which, as you correctly state, must be framed in historical contexts. I also had the good fortune to live 3 years in Morocco, a country that has a long history of tolerance-- certainly better than the record set by many Christian nations. In that respect, while you are onm the prowl for those to hate, you might want to read Prof James Carroll's Constantine's Sword to see the Christian record on scriptural intolerance towards Jews. You may rightly end up with only Hindu (and Buddhist) friends, which is fine with me-- except, of course, that according to Torah law they are idolators whom you are not allowed to befriend! At any rate, Noah, though I am as much against terrorism and Islamic radicalism as you, I am more inclined to accept Paul's invitation for a vision of Moslem- Jewish unity than I am yours to a continuation of Moslem-Jewish hatred, so thanks but no thanks!!

Moshe Yehuda Bernstein 玉梦舍 December 5 at 11:34pm Reply
Yes, I know the story of his poisoning from the Hadith. And please call me Moshe.

Moshe Yehuda Bernstein 玉梦舍 December 5 at 11:38pm Reply
While you're on the subject, do you know who killed Jesus? Check out how many Jews were slaughtered by Christians for the crime of deicide!

Paul S Armstrong December 6 at 8:37am Reply
Noah, is G-d a god of love or hatred? I don't believe in a hateful god!

Noah David Simon December 6 at 9:33am
I'm not a literalist. my religion has a history of debate and a rejection of irredentism. something that Paul's religion does not have. I'm not interested in a debate with people like yourselves. History already has one Shabetai Zevi.

Paul S Armstrong December 6 at 9:41am Reply
Hi Noah,

How can you fight against something you appear to be incredibly ignorant of? Islam has a long history of debate, between different scholars and factions, who in some cases have taken very different standpoints. I respectfully suggest, if you wish to continue what you are doing, you partake in some thorough research first; looking at the whole picture and not just the bits that fit your prejudices.

Kind regards,


Noah David Simon December 6 at 3:04pm
I've seen a lot of pulling rank here and attempts to contradict without any examples. I've given my examples and you have not given me one religious historical institutional narrative or system to back up anything you say. you claim prejudice, but I've given examples of where my ideas come from and you return with ad hominum conjecture. personal attacks just further a very obvious orchestrated hate of Jews.

Posted via web from noahdavidsimon's posterous
