Just so we're all clear on the issue, THIS IS THE WAY A CHEERLEADER IS
SUPPOSED TO LOOK: There’s been a lot of hype about the USA National Basketball Team playing Iran in the World Basketball Championship. Tuesday, Team USA beat Iran, but with the PC pandering of “our” team, it’s as if we lost. Sadly, Team USA Coach Mike Krzyzewski and players were all too dhimmi-esque regarding Iran. Barf. Then, the cheerleaders had to wear long pants to respect Islam and Iran. Double barf.
Coach K, Team USA, & Dancers
Dhimmi Up for Iran, Islam
via debbieschlussel.com
and ibloga.blogspot.com
Dhimmi Up for Iran, Islam
via debbieschlussel.com
and ibloga.blogspot.com
I don't even like basketball. The Cheerleaders were all I had.
noahdavidsimon's posterous