Pollard should be freed because the man is a hero. end of story. I could care less about what Obama's hateful little heart considers pragmatic to enable his Jew free visions.
The center-piece of this video is a speech by Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi, brother-in-law of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Hagai speaks with passion about Jonathan Pollard and his devotion to the Land and People of Israel and of his selflessness and principled unwillingness to be freed in any deal that might put Jewish lives at stake by the release of murderers and terrorist or the uprooting of Jews from their homes. Ben-Artzi's words are heart-rending as he calls upon his brother-in-law PM Netanyahu not to abandon a soldier in the field, to finish the job and bring Pollard home now!
Worthy of Note: Video includes interesting foootage of the recent 9000-Day
Vigil for Jonathan Pollard that was recently held in a 3 day marathon at
Gesher HaMeitarim in Jerusalem.

Is A Pollard-Settlement Freeze Swap Still On The Table? If Not--Why Not?the Whitehouse is so cruel. the guy was trying to get information on Saddam's chemical capabilities that was promised to Israel and we were still in bed with the Arabs. Some things dont change. They will say the Jews have so much influence. Obviously not. Obama sabotages Jews for fun. He doesn't give a damn about peace
That's the impression you get from an LA Times editorial, which opposes a Pollard-Settlement Freeze swap:
There may be good reasons for granting clemency to Jonathan Pollard, the former Navy intelligence analyst who was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for providing U.S. military documents to Israel. But Pollard's usefulness as a diplomatic bargaining chip isn't one of them.