Said agrees with Foucault that knowledge and scholarship are about power and domination and little else. In a passage on this topic, Said describes his view of Western scholarship as simply the result of a consensus which imposes a narrative structure based on authority (21-2). In this discussion, Said does not even acknowledge the existence or possibility of knowledge and truth. It is Said’s hope that his acid wash of literary theory will help intellectually disarm the West during its period of cultural decay and death: “indeed if it eliminates the ‘Orient’ and ‘Occident’ altogether, then we shall have advanced a little in the process of what Raymond Williams called the ‘unlearning’ of ‘the inherent dominative mode’Edward Said laments the monoculture that Islam is forced to embrace in the West, but forgets that for two millenniums the majority of Jews wanted integration and were rejected. to compare half a century with two millenniums is asinine to begin with, but he fails to realize that the majority of Jewery were never given the opportunity that Islam was given in this century.
also... it is kind of annoying to deal with such a dishonest fellow as Edward because his immediate family never resided in Israel as he dishonestly claimed. We have been bamboozled by the man... as we were by Chomsky.
Chomsky and Said lectured and debated at Columbia University... and do you know who was in the audience on that day?
...Obama is the inheritor of their bullshit