Marginal Revolution: The decentralization of science, including climate science

it's science, not ARPA. Decentralized systems like the internet are designed for information defense and not asking the citizens for their tax dollars.

these guys are scrambling to explain why they were caught red handed exploiting the people:
"I see science, including climate science, as very much a decentralized process, based on the collective efforts of thousands of researchers. The evidence for our current understanding of climate change also comes from a wide variety of disciplines, including chemistry, meteorology, oceanography, geography, tree ring studies, ice sheet studies, and a good body of theory, which has held up well. These results all point in broadly similar directions. Call me naive but, with apologies to Robert Sugden, I don't think many scientific results depend on what comes out of East Anglia, even if you include its emailing affiliates from Penn State and the like. Even very, very simple climate models generate many of the basic results."

are you talking about science or a priesthood? the objective data should of been shared and not hoarded from the centralized network. what you are describing is worse then fudging the data.

Posted via web from noahdavidsimon's posterous
