The media is making a very big deal out of the tolerance and sensitivity that is lacking in those who oppose building of the Ground Zero Mosque, writing about how the freedom of religion and the right to build a mosque trumps the emotions raised by the destruction of the World Trade Center by Muslim terrorists and the insistence of an imam to build a mosque nearby.
Funny--that tolerance and sensitivity was thrown out the window when the media felt the need to justify the destruction of the synagogues left in Gaza after the Disengagement.
CAMERA writes about the Media Excuses Palestinian Destruction of Synagogues. Take for example, this report from CNN:
Read the whole thing.CNN’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip, Matthew Chance, similarly used the opportunity to criticize Israel while whitewashing Palestinian vandalism. Blaming Israel for leaving behind the synagogues and thus "tainting" the Palestinian "victory," Chance absolved the Palestinian Authority for not protecting the Jewish religious sites:
This structure behind me --very controversial because it is the Jewish synagogue in the middle of Netzarim. The Israeli cabinet, of course, voting to leave those synagogues standing, very much angering the Palestinian Authority, because they know that these buildings are seen very much by the vast majority of Palestinians as potent symbols of the Israeli occupation and could not be protected or even left standing. And so we're seeing very sensitive scenes here over the past few hours as the Palestinian security forces move the civilians out of that synagogue and move their bulldozers in to take away these structures, again, seen as hated symbols of the Israeli occupation. So these are scenes that are very sensitive to the Palestinian Authority. And also an aspect that's really kind of tainted the sense of victory, the sense of relief amongst the Palestinians that the Israelis are finally gone...
But back in New York, the taint of having a mosque near Ground Zero is ignored, if not belittled. The symbolism of the mosque is trumped by the freedom of religion, with barely a mention of the compromise of building the mosque someplace else.
This example comes by way of Daniel Greenfield of the Canada Free Press, who in Just The Facts, Imam also notes how to the media, every Muslim is a moderate.
Whatever else the media may be, objective is not one of them.
And they have made very clear where their bias runs on this issue.
destroy a synagogue... no problem. support a violent Mosque next to ground zero? of course they do.
destroy a synagogue... no problem. support a violent Mosque next to ground zero? of course they do.