Obama is selling billboards on the U.S. tax payer's dime to convince Israel that the Palestinians want peace, but the Palestinian official media says otherwise. If the Tea Party only knew!
Washington is funding an ad campaign in Israel featuring billboards of Palestinian officials asking: "We are partners -- what about you?"
The campaign launched Sunday includes the faces of senior Palestinian Authority officials Saeb Erekat, Jibril Rajoub and Yasser Abed Rabo, and Riad Malki, Palestinian foreign affairs minister, Yedioth Aharonoth said.
The aim of the campaign is to persuade Israelis that peace partners on the Palestinian side truly exist, and calls for support of a two-state solution, the Tel Aviv newspaper said.
The U.S. government was approached to fund the campaign by the Geneva Initiative founders, who drew up an agreement in 2003 to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the newspaper said.
The U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, invested close to $250,000 toward the creation of the billboards, the newspaper said.
The campaign has raised a few eyebrows in Israel.
"We are talking about a Palestinian Authority campaign funded by the American government," an Israeli Foreign Ministry official was quoted saying.
via upi.com
As it turns out, there is also a second campaign for 'peace' being paid for by American tax dollars.promotion for terrorists. People shouldn't pay their taxes till Obama is out of office. here is a little taste of the real leaders of Palestine. These is the lies our taxes pay for, and in Arabic the truth is spoken
Abbas’s speech came as the PA prepared to open a USfunded campaign to persuade the Palestinians to support the peace talks with Israel. Advertisements calling on the Palestinians to support the negotiations will be broadcast on PA-controlled TV and radio stations. Posters with the same message will appear on large billboards in most Palestinian cities.
In addition to Abbas and PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, several Palestinian officials have been recruited to the new campaign. Among them are Saeb Erekat, Yasser Abed Rabbo and Jibril Rajoub. Their main task is to explain to the Palestinians the importance of making peace with Israel, sources involved in the $250,000 campaign said.