Note: Remarks about “Zionist Jews” starts at the 3:55 mark.
The guy making the racist comments is the man in the blue hat and shirt. According to the press his name is “Comrade Shahid.” They messed up his name, it’s Shahid Comrade, and yes, he’s a commie…
NEW YORK – AUGUST 22: Barth Silberstein (2nd L) and Comrade Shahid (R) Supporters in favor of an Islamic cultural center and mosque clasp hands on August 22, 2010 in New York City. Activists both for and against the proposed Park51 project two blocks from Ground Zero rallied supporters in lower Manhattan near the proposed building site as the controversy continued.The banner he’s speaking in front of is from the Socialist Worker
At the 4:34 mark you can see this communist from the “Internationalist Group” via yesterday’s post:
Video: Communist Speaker at Pro-Ground Zero Mosque Rally Rails Against “Zionist Jews”…