poor Ed Koch. betrayed by Obama... and he is ready for another round of Jihadis.
What is this that we are tolerating?
I think I'm going to puke. Let Mosque history speak for itself Ed.![]()
The good news is that we can now see what each other is truly made of, who stands for what, and who does not. The nature of the revelation is awesome, but the particular substance is not always so.
It's too bad about Ed Koch... I would have hoped for better.
By Alan Caruba at the Canada Free Press:
.... Nine years after 9/11, less than a year since a Muslim major shot thirteen soldiers to death in Fort Hood, eight months past the failed Christmas bomber, and barely weeks after a failed attempt in Times Square to kill more innocent Americans, the former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch, writing in the Huffington Post, lauds Mayor Mike Bloomberg for taking up “the fight to protect the legitimate rights of American Muslims to build a mosque near Ground Zero.”You might want to read it all, though I completely understand if you don't.
Koch cites George Washington’s letter in 1790 to the Jews of the Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island. It is a virtual poem to tolerance and a condemnation of bigotry, but the opposition to the building of a mosque near Ground Zero is not bigotry. It is the common, ancient recognition that some places are hallowed by the deaths of soldiers or by the innocent victims of evil.
The field at Gettysburg is hallowed ground. The former Nazi death camp, Auschwitz, is hallowed ground. In Sudan’s Darfur region today where genocide against Christians and animists continues will be hallowed ground.
So eager is Mayor Koch to defend the obscenity of a mosque rising where Muslims killed 2,700 people in the name of Allah, he writes, “We Jews also have our share of thieves, predators, child molesters, Ponzi-schemers, traitors and profiteers. Muslims have their share of great world accomplishments…”
This is so pathetic words cannot describe his surrender of any sense of moral outrage or the pretense of moral equivalency....
What is this that we are tolerating?