I don't know about you, but when I see someone I think is trying to kill me I generally don't act like an uptight stiff and I try to accommodate. The videos I saw was her acting uppity. I grew up near Columbia University. There was a story about a preppy college kid who acted smart and reminded his robbers that they forgot twenty dollars. He was shot dead. If the IDF were really the intolerant menace she describes she would of got the Columbia University mugger treatment. Obviously she is lying and manipulative. her damn photo tells the whole story. She is a snotty woman who gets off on this.
'Israeli Arab' MK Hanin Zoabi testified before the UN 'Human Rights Council's commission investigating the Mavi Marmara incident on Tuesday.
"It was evident from the beginning that the commandoes viewed all of us activists as terrorists," Zoabi told The Associated Press after her testimony before a three-member U.N. team headed by Karl Hudson-Phillips, former judge of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
"Israel's use of large numbers of elite troops with sophisticated weaponry showed it intended to kill the passengers," added the lawmaker, who was aboard the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara, where the killing took place. "We were very peaceful activists, but the commandoes came to kill," she said.
Watch the videos. You'll be convinced otherwise.
back to the Columbia University story.... it was probably someone who Obama knew who got shot for acting snotty to a mugger, because Obama was at the school when this went down. Not really relevant to the story... but in some ways it is.