Odd hearing about a Serbian loving Obama. It was the Democrats who attacked Yugoslavia on behalf of a Muslim separatist group in the name of a non-existent genocide, while refusing to take any action against the very real and very horrifying Sudanese Muslim genocide of Africans. Balls? Chutzpah... sure. I call it hypocrisy. I guess the media has covered up that history. Too bad some bulls had to lose their testies to revisionism:
Ever since we noted the Serbian testicle festival a few weeks ago we know you've been waiting breathlessly for the big event. Well, everyone had a ball, it seems. As with most events, they couldn't keep politics out of it.
In a remote Serbian mountain village, they're cooking up delicacies to make your mouth water — or your stomach churn. At the seventh annual World Testicle Cooking Championship, visitors watch — and sometimes taste — as teams of chefs cook up bull, boar, camel, ostrich and even kangaroo testicles.
"This festival is all about fun, food and bravery," said Ljubomir Erovic, the Serbian chef and testicles gourmand specialist who organizes the bizarre cooking festival and has published a testicle cookery book.
The food — politely called "white kidneys" in Serbian — is believed to be rich in testosterone. In the Balkans, it is considered to help men's libido.
"The bulls' testicles are the best, goulash style," said last year's winner Zoltan Levai, stirring a metal pot heated by a wood fire and filled with vegetables and large testicles that he said were provided from a state-run slaughter house.
The festival — which includes dishes like testicle pizza and testicles in bechamel sauce flavored with a variety of herbs found in the region.
Visitors eat the dishes with plenty of wine or beer, and cool themselves in a small mountain river that flows beside the makeshift cooking stands blasting folk music. The stalls also sell roasted pig or lamb, "as a side dish".
As for Obama, it appears the organizers aren't quite up to date on American politics.
The festival also gives prizes to to those who have made the news for being "ballsy". This year one of the unsuspecting winners is U.S. President Barack Obama.
"He's the bravest man in the world," said Erovic. "Obama took over the world at the most difficult economic and political times," Erovic said. "He showed he has balls."
The owner of Obama's balls, Michelle Obama, was unavailable for comment.
Maybe Obama can attend next year rather than going to Martha's Vineyard. Then he can tell reporters "Hey, I'm just trying to buy some balls".