The president has already killed 23,000 jobs when he banned off shore drilling. Now he's got his sites set on private fishermen in New England. He and Jane Lubchenko (how apropos that her name sounds like a throwback to the old Soviet Union days), his new head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, want to replace the private fishermen who have fished for years off the coast of New England with licensed fishermen who work for the government:
Since her appointment to head the NOAA by President Obama, Lubchenco, who had been an officer of the Environmental Defense Fund and a leader of the Pew Oceans Commission, has pushed to convert the fisheries into commodities markets under a management system known as catch shares.
In a statement to the Times soon after her confirmation by the Senate, Lubchenco's office said her goal was to see a "significant fraction of the vessels ... removed."
With the stocks rebuilding strongly, fishermen wonder at the need to reduce the size of the work force.
Mayors Carolyn Kirk of Gloucester and Scott Lang of New Bedford have condemned federal fisheries policies for bringing unnecessary social and economic hardship as a certain price for the uncertain resource management benefits of catch share regulations.
Lubchenco has argued that consolidation, which has consistently followed catch shares, produces fewer but better jobs while giving the government a stronger hand in conservation.
via wizbangblog.com
something is fishy about losing jobs