Sestak filled out a questionnaire for an extreme Leftist group called Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS). CGS promotes a UN-centric group that would tie the United States and other western powers' hands behind their back in favor of the international collective at the UN.
In particular, this ought to greatly disturb Israel's supporters.
But of all his answers, the most troubling may be his unqualified yes to this one: “Will you support the call for the U.S. to refrain from the use or threat of a veto in the UN Security Council regarding situations involving ongoing genocide, crimes against humanity, or war crimes?” So, without knowing the context and without regard to the UN’s perpetual efforts to cast Israel as a criminal state, Sestak would call for the U.S. to tie its own hands. He’s ready — in advance — to throw away the one effective tool in its arsenal that allows it to defeat noxious UN Security Council actions. Good to know.Imagine that a Security Council resolution is presented that calls for Chapter 7 (mandatory) sanctions against Israel as a result of the 'war crimes' accusations of the Goldstone Report. Sestak would have the United States waive in advance its right to veto such a resolution.
His association with CGS and his answers to its queries raise a number of questions. Recall Sestak’s odd letter calling not for the UN Human Rights Council to stay out of the flotilla incident but for it to conduct a “fair” investigation of Israel. It was ludicrous on its face. Now we wonder whether it was an effort to thread the needle between irate pro-Israel voters and his CGS backers (who fawn over the UNHRC). So don’t expect Sestak to support the U.S. withdrawal from that bile-gushing entity that his backers say “is direct, resultant, and demands accountability” and that vilifies Israel. Meanwhile, CGS declares that the U.S. is deriving such “goodwill” from sitting mutely on the council.Pennsylvania this would be a disaster! All those Jewish kids in Pittsburgh and Philly need to get out there and ruin this guy