Israeli Government Before the Yom Kuppur War Were Worried About World Opinion. Hundreds Die

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Calling up all reservists before even one bullet was shot - everyone will say we were the attackers," Dayan explained.
"A pre-emptive attack is a huge advantage," IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. David Elazar said. "It will save a lot of lives. If we get into a war where the first stage is to block - and I am sure that we can do this - then after the attack, there will be a serious war." He added that he would be able to destroy the entire Syrian air force at noon of that day, and get rid of their missiles within 30 hours.
Elazar gave then-prime minister Golda Meir, defense minister Moshe Dayan, and head of intelligence Maj.-Gen. Eli Zaira four hours to talk to the US and make a decision.
Dayan, however, spoke out against Elazar's plan. "We can not allow ourselves to attack pre-emptively this time. If Egypt attacks, we can attack Syria. According to what I know, there can't be a pre-emptive strike. Not even five minutes before. Impossible."
Elazar also said that the IDF should call in some of its reserve soldiers. "If they attack in 10 hours, we are as ready as possible with regular soldiers, but we did not call up any reserves at all. The IDF's power is 25 percent regular and 75% reserves. Therefore, we need to increase our power immediately. We need at least 24 hours to call up reserves - those that are called up now, can be put into action tomorrow."
Feminists often point out Golda as an example of a successful woman who ran a government. She was a good woman, but a lousy military leader. The pant suit brigade seem to have a hard time realizing that she was a liberal who could not garner the logic of suicide bombers and the behavior of the Arabs. In her mind they would eventually give in to peace because they loved their children too. Golda and Dayan like other liberals and progressives might of meant well, but they were very wrong.  She simply could not imagine why the Arabs would do what they do.
