if #Glenn #Beck did repent, he would be worthy of receiving forgiveness. Very worthy, but he has to admit wrong.

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It is lamentable that even incisive analysts such as Dr. Daniel Pipes have appeared on Beck’s show, whilst remaining completely unaware of Beck’s affection for certain anti-Semites who share his tendencies to rely on conspiracy theories. Incidentally, none of this settles well with Beck’s declared support for Israel, but anti-Semitism frequently goes hand in hand with a conspiratorial mindset. Of course, there are many other cases of anti-Semitic groups and individuals such as the British National Party (BNP) and Srdja Trifkovic, who have no trouble in proclaiming themselves to be pro-Israel. In June 2010, Beck promoted on air the work of a Nazi sympathizer by the name of Elizabeth Dilling, who, in writings that Beck neglected to mention, derided Eisenhower as “Ike the kike” and Kennedy’s New Frontier as the “Jew Frontier.”
A few days later, Beck discussed George Soros’ Jewish ancestry, accused him of currency manipulation and mocked him for “disturbing hair in his nose,” besides claiming that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. More recently, Beck devoted an entire show around two weeks ago to a conspiracy theory on bankers such as the Rothschilds and the creation of the Federal Reserve. To promote his argument, he hosted the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, who not only believes that “present-day political Zionists are promoting the New World Order,” but also that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion “accurately describe much of what is happening in our world today.”" via propagandistmag.com
...as for Weiner, he needs more then admitting he has a problem with women.  He needs to disavow his politics.  Loyalty to Hillary Clinton will not help you with the ladies.
