Washington DC Slut Walk Oxymoron

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...A feminist fundraiser that was held at
a Washington, D.C., strip club?...
...Slut Walks Don't Help Women!...
...Slut Walk...Toronto

...It's almost like these women are unaware that there is a "MANCESSION" going on! No I didn't make this up... In feminist terms, the ‘personal is political’ refers to the theory that personal problems are political problems, which basically means that many of the personal problems women experience in their lives are not their fault, but are the result of systematic oppression. In this respect, Hanisch is drawing heavily upon Marxism – the focus is of individual struggle and onto group struggle.The theory that women are not to blame for their bad situations is crucial here because women have always been told that they are unhappy or faring badly in life because they are stupid, weak, mad, hysterical, having a period, pregnant, frigid, over-sexed, asking for it etc. The personal is political proposes that women are in bad situations because they experience gendered oppression and massive structural inequalities.
The irony is that today the feminists are denying the "Personal as Political" for everyone else! Anti-Jihadists don't realize feminists are not that different from Muslims, however Feminists are more subversive and mainstreamed.
Magdalena Ivasecko, left, and Sierra Chevy Harris during the SlutWalk in Toronto, Canada, on 3/4/11
Protesters say they are reclaiming the word "slut"...

Heather Jarvis AKA
Pippi Longstocking of the

Now_they_are_coming_to_Washington_D.C.  With the government taking part in Social Engineering on a mass level, some men are not going to write a blog about it, men are going to react. (BUT WILL GET BLOCKED IN MOST POLITICAL FORUMS FOR SAYING THIS... and did get blocked). The pant suit crowd does not realize the violence they are releasing on themselves. Yes... the ladies are right in that they are getting raped.  but...

...Their solution is the cause:
...Boston organiser Siobhan Connors explained: "The event is in protest of a culture that we think is too permissive when it comes to rape and sexual assault. "It's to bring awareness to the shame and degradation women still face for expressing their sexuality... essentially for behaving in a healthy and sexual way,"
Don't Shoot the Messenger.  I realize that there are people (on both political wings) who think if you question the feminine victimization culture that you are the bad guy.  These people are wrong!

Why the Mancession is a PROBLEM for women. A Conservative Republican, blocked me for saying what is on this blog. I doubt he disagrees, but it takes both sexes to win an election and the GOP can not win without reaching out to the feminists.

when have sluts not been organized?
