New Israel Fund filmmaker Daphne Leef

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More than 350 people are now living in Tel Aviv's tented city after Daphni Leef invited fellow Israelis to join her protest on FacebookA Founder of a separate tent city protests group says media fascination with Daphni Leef, 26, and her friends has been detrimental to the cause. Nonetheless, 44-year-old Attorney Yaniv Moyal of Tel Aviv said that the social issues movement has suffered because of the emphasis placed upon 26-year-old Daphni Leef and her friends, after Leef started the protest with a call she put out on Facebook group she created on July 14th. He also said that he didn't trust the decision-making process or motivations of Stav Shafir and Regev Kuntas two members of Leef's inner circle, saying "I have no idea what their interests are but I think they're just to bring down the government and if we do that, we'll have elections again and woe unto us."
