The sexual assault case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn is on the verge of collapse as investigators have uncovered major holes in the credibility of the housekeeper who charged that he attacked her in his Manhattan hotel suite in May, according to two well-placed law enforcement officials.
Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a French politician, and the woman, prosecutors do not believe much of what the accuser has told them about the circumstances or about herself.
Since her initial allegation on May 14, the accuser has repeatedly lied, one of the law enforcement officials said.
Senior prosecutors met with lawyers for Mr. Strauss-Kahn on Thursday and provided details about their findings, and the parties are discussing whether to dismiss the felony charges. Among the discoveries, one of the officials said, are issues involving the asylum application of the 32-year-old housekeeper, who is Guinean, and possible links to criminal activities, including drug dealing and money laundering. via
Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy -

Rich Arab oil countries spend less than $15 per capita on scientific research

Just how backward is the Arab world compared with Israel? Please consider this from the Qatari publication The Peninsula.
Regarding patent rights, Israel has registered 16,805 patents. However, Arab countries have only 836 patents which is 5 percent of what Israel has.Israel spends 0.8-1 percent of the total expenditure of the world on research work and Arab states spend 0.4 percent. It means Israel spends more than double that spent by Arab countries in
this field.Israel spends 4.7 percent of its income on research. However, Arab countries spend 0.2 percent of their total income on the same. United States spends about 2.7 percent of its income, UK 1.8 and Germany 2.6 percent on research work.
Asian Arab countries spend less than 0.1 percent of their total income on research work which is five times less than African countries which are spending 0.5 percent of their total income, according to a Unesco report. Arab countries spend about half of Israel though their GDP soared 11 times that of Israel and the area is more than 649 times.
Regarding per capita expenditure on scientific research, Israel stands at the number one position by spending $1272.8 per capita. United States ranks second with $1205.9 and Japan third by spending $1153.3. However, the Arab countries ranked hundred times less than Israel by spending an average of $14.7 annually per capita.
And the oil rich Asian Arab countries spend $11.9 per capita which is equal to African poor countries whose per capita expenditure reached $9.4.
rather then act pissed... if you have money this is an easy problem to fix... if you want to
Gay Marriage doesn't cause Gays, it causes straight people to fuck less

There’s long been something of a debate about this question, and I thought I’d note an interesting and apparently quite credible article touching on it, Nanette K. Gartrell, Henny M. W. Bos & Naomi G. Goldberg, Adolescents of the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Sexual Orientation, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Risk Exposure, Archives of Sexual Behavior (2010). (I learned of it because one of the coauthors is affiliated with the Williams Institute for sexual orientation and the law here at UCLA School of Law.)
The study was part of an ongoing study that, at this stage, involved 77 families, “31 continuously-coupled, 40 separated-mother, and six single-mother families,” and 78 17-year-old children (one family had twins). Of the girls, nearly 50% described themselves as at least partly homosexual in orientation, though 30% out of that 50% were “predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual.” (None of the girls, though, identified themselves as predominantly or exclusively lesbian.) Of the boys, a bit over 20% described themselves as at least partly homosexual in orientation, though 13% out of that 20% described themselves as “predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual.” (Two of the boys identified themselves as predominantly or exclusively gay.) “The ... Kinsey self-identifications [of the girls in the study] and lifetime sexual experiences were consistent with Stacey and Biblarz’s (2001) and Biblarz and Stacey’s (2010) theory that the offspring of lesbian and gay parents might be more open to homoerotic exploration and same-sex orientation.”
As to actual sexual behavior, 15% of the girls had had sex with other girls, compared to 5% in a sample of 17-year-old girls at large; 54% of the girls had had sex with boys, compared to 63% in a sample of 17-year-old girls at large. The boys showed no greater participation in homosexual sex compared to the sample of 17-year-old boys at large, but showed a markedly lesser participation in heterosexual sex (38% as opposed to 59%). For both the boys and girls who had had sex, the age of first sexual contact was about a year later than in the samples of 17-year-olds at large. All these differences are statistically significant.
The study has obvious limitations: It’s fairly small (though large enough for the authors to get statistically significant findings). It might be subject to various confounding factors; the families in the study and the comparison families from the population at large “were neither matched nor controlled for socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, or region of residence.” It doesn’t speak to children of gay men, including children raised by the men either alone or with male partners. It doesn’t tell us what will happen to the 17-year-olds in the future (though a planned follow-up will interview the children when they are 25).
In the pre-1970 era, when surveys showed women
with higher levels of happiness, most men held jobs that
enabled their wives to be fulltime homemakers.
“The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness” is a peer-reviewed reseach publication by Drs. Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, forthcoming American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Alexis de Tocqueville traveled the United States in the early-19th century, he recognized the fact that respect for marriage is very American. He wrote: "There is certainly no country in the world where the tie of marriage is more respected than in America, or where conjugal happiness is more highly or worthily appreciated."
WaPo adopts Palestinian vocabulary in 'news' report

In recounting what happened when a similar flotilla tried to breach Israel's blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza, Greenberg writes the following:
"Israeli commandos who boarded a Turkish ship in a similar flotilla 13 months ago encountered resistance and killed nine people."
Ah, those trigger-happy Israeli commandos opened fire on "people" (not radical, violence-bent activists) who merely put up some "resistance." There's not the slightest intimation in Goldberg's piece that when the commandos rappelled from a hovering helicopter onto the top deck of a Turkish vessel, they were brutally attacked by some of these "people" with iron bars and other lethal weapons. Nine commandos were injured, some severely. The commandos fired in self-defense after some of their own were beaten to within an inch of their lives.
Uploaded by idfnadesk on May 31, 2010
U.N.-backed court delivers Hariri killing indictments, Hezbollah throws hissy fit

(Reuters) - The U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri handed over indictments and four arrest warrants to Lebanon Thursday, the state prosecutor said.
Ayman, Saad, Fahd, and Ouday al-Hariri,
sons of the slain Premier Rafik al-Hariri
The long-awaited move was hailed as a "historic moment" by Hariri's son, opposition leader Saad al-Hariri, who urged the government of Najib Mikati to cooperate with the court.
Prosecutor Saeed Mirza did not disclose the contents of the indictments, but they are expected to accuse four Hezbollah members of involvement in the Feb 14. 2005 bombing in Beirut which killed Rafik al-Hariri and 22 others.
Hezbollah, both a political movement and guerrilla army, which with its political allies forms a majority in Mikati's new government, denies any role in Hariri's killing and has called the court a tool of Israel and the United States.
It has vowed not to hand over any of its members and wants Lebanon to end cooperation with the tribunal, withdraw Lebanese judges and halt its contribution to the court's funding.
Hezbollah has been strengthening its position in Lebanon--not only militarily, in defiance of the UN Resolution that brought an end to the Hezbollah-Israel war, but politically as well.
Najib Mikati, the new Lebanese Prime Minister, had both Syria's and Hezbollah's support for his new position, so it is unlikely that he will just hand the 4 Hezbollah members over.
Left unanswered is the question of Iranian involvement. After all, would Hezbollah do anything so drastic as the assassination of someone so popular in Lebanon without the approval of its mentor?
The indictments are finally out.
Now let's see if it matters.
North Korea named head of UN nuclear disarmament body makes perfect sense within the scheme of the U.N.. Why is anyone surprised?North Korea has been named to head the U.N.'s nuclear disarmament body?
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DHS Says Putting Israel on Terrorist Watch List Was A Mistake

The reaction to the report was immediate and wide-spread. After a week of feeling the pressure, the DHS announced today that it was all a bad mistake.
Israelis were subject to extra screening because the country arrests terrorists? Shouldn't we encouraging countries to arrest terrorists? Would this be a mistake if Americans didn't complain?
Israel was included erroneously on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security terrorist watch list, a U.S. official said. via YID With LID
The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General published the list of "specially designated countries" as an appendix to an unclassified May 11 report--"Supervision of Aliens Commensurate With Risk"--that was publicly posted on the Internet. (The appendix is on page 18 of the document.)
As a matter of policy, according to the inspector general’s report, citizens of Israel and other “specially designated countries” are subjected to a special security screening called a “Third Agency Check” (TAC) when they are actually detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the division of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for enforcing the immigration laws.
The five countries on the list that do not have majority Muslim populations--Kazakhstan (47 percent Muslim), Eritrea (36.5 percent Muslim), Israel (16.9 percent Muslim), the Philippines (5 percent Muslim) and Thailand (4.6 percent)--have had internal problems with radical Muslim terrorists, as reported by the State Department.Isn't that kind of blaming the victim?
ICE officers are supposed to check all aliens they take into custody against the Terrorist Watchlist, which includes the identities of individuals the U.S. government knows or reasonably suspects to be terrorists. When ICE holds a citizen from a “specially designated country” in its own detention facilities, according to the agency’s standing policy, the individual is also supposed to be run through a TAC.
“In addition to the Terrorist Watchlist screening, ICE uses a Third Agency Check (TAC) to screen aliens from specially designated countries (SDCs) that have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members,” says the inspector general’s report.
“The purpose of the additional screening is to determine whether other agencies have an interest in the alien,” says the report. “ICE’s policy requires officers to conduct TAC screenings only for aliens from SDCs if the aliens are in ICE custody. As a result, ICE does not perform a TAC for the majority of its population of aliens, which includes those incarcerated or released under supervision.”The inspector general recommended in the report that ICE change its screening policy “to require officers to conduct TAC screenings for all aliens from SDCs, not just those held in ICE detention facilities.”
Michelle Obama denies supporting gay marriage

McGreevey, who is now openly gay, gave up the governorship in 2004 after revealing that he’d had an affair with a man.
Israelis threaten Assad's life

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Ismail Haniyeh Vs. Salam Fayyad

Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh was nominated as prime minister on 16 February 2006 following the Hamas victory in the elections held on 25 January 2006. He was formally presented to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on 20 February 2006 and was sworn in 29 March 2006.
On 14 June 2007, Abbas dismissed Haniyeh and appointed Fayyad in his place. This followed a bitter internecine struggle between Hamas and Fatah that resulted in Hamas gaining control of Gaza culminating in the ICRC estimating that 118 Gazans had been killed and 550 wounded in just the previous week’s struggle for control of Gaza.
The appointment of Fayyad to replace Haniyeh has been challenged as illegal, because under the Palestinian Basic Law, the President of the Palestinian Authority may dismiss a sitting prime minister, but may not appoint a replacement without the approval of the Palestinian Legislative Council. According to the law, until a new prime minister is thus appointed, the outgoing prime minister heads a caretaker government. Fayyad's appointment was never placed before, or approved, by the Legislative Council.
For this reason, Haniyeh has continued to operate in Gaza, and been recognised by a large number of Palestinians as the legitimate acting prime minister.
Anis al-Qasem - the Palestinian constitutional lawyer who drafted the Basic Law, is among those who has publicly declared the appointment of Fayyad to be illegal.
Top Secret: Israeli Torpedo will be used against Alice Walker and the "Audacity of Hope" flotilla

flotilla activists plan to use chemical weapons

(JPost) IDF sources said Monday night that new intelligence information obtained in recent days shows that participants of the flotilla planning to break Israel’s sea blockade over the Gaza Strip later this week plan to kill IDF soldiers who board their ships.
According to the information obtained by the IDF, some of the participants have prepared sacks with sulfur, which they plan to pour on the soldiers as they board the vessels.
“This is a chemical weapon, and if poured on a soldier it can paralyze him,” an IDF source told The Jerusalem Post Monday night. “If the sulfur is then lit on fire, the soldier will light up like a torch.”
The information was obtained from closed meetings held by participants on the ships during which some voiced their intention to “murder Israeli soldiers,” according to the IDF.
Also, despite earlier predictions that members of the Turkish organization IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation would not participate in the flotilla, it now appears that some members will sail with the ships alongside other radical Islamic activists.
The Navy has begun its final preparations to stop the vessels, and the IDF sources said that commandos who board the ships will be prepared for a wide-range of scenarios from no violence at all to extreme and violent resistance from the passengers. via
Let's get a few things straight. A Holocaust survivor is someone who lived through the Holocaust in an affected country. It's not just someone who was alive when the Holocaust happened. Hedy Epstein - who loves to promote herself as a Holocaust survivor - is not one. She is no more a Holocaust survivor than my 83-year old father who lived through the Holocaust in Boston, Massachusetts. She left Germany in May 1939 - before the war or the Holocaust started - on the Kindertransport, and spent the war in England. When you hear "Holocaust survivor," you envision those gaunt kids who were in the concentration camps at the end of the war. She's not one of them. There were 10,000 kids just like her. They are not Holocaust survivors any more than the thousands of Jews who fled Germany and other affected countries during the 1930's. That makes her a much less sympathetic figure, doesn't it?...IDF. You have the right to shoot 86-year-old Heda Epstein in order to defend your borders from uppity humanitarianofascists bearing food, medicine, and embarrassment.
Hedy Epstein via
The people on those boats are committing an act of war. Yes, including Hedy Epstein and Alice Walker and that moron Medea Benjamin. They're not wearing uniforms, they're not part of an army, but by trying to run a legal naval blockade (and even the UN now says it's legal), they are committing an act of war. They are military combatants, and they may be treated accordingly.
I guess the Muslim Brotherhood Mickey Mouse wasn't supposed to have a beard

Remember the Hamas Mickey Mouse? No beard
image via Sheik yer Mami
How the New York Times became the worst standard in News: Pinch Happened

Sulzberger's dogged misrule of the Times was first characterized by his ejection of established newsmen who had built the Times brand since World War II in favor of more ideological writers. In 1999, he took former Times executive editor Abe Rosenthal's column away, forcing him to retire. Rosenthal was a real newsman who had built a corps of reporters with a fierce desire to seek out stories. That creed conflicted with Pinch's vision of the paper's future.
In 2003, Sulzberger was embarrassed into firing executive editor Howell Raines when fabulist Jayson Blair's contrived stories were exposed. By then, as Raines later wrote in the Atlantic, the Times newsroom was so union-dominated (the Newspaper Guild's members are so work-resistant and hard to fire) that the reporters didn't want to travel to get stories: they sit at their desks and "report" by searching the Internet.
Sulzberger replaced Raines with Bill Keller, an established newsman. "Pinch" chose Keller over investigative reporter and Washington editor Jill Abramson, who had been campaigning for the job. But, as sources close to the Times told me then, Keller wasn't sufficiently liberal so Sulzberger invested Abramson (elevated to managing editor) and her close friend Maureen Dowd with the power to go around Keller's decisions.
Under Keller -- really, under Pinch -- the Times published several stories that damaged national security. The biggest was James Risen's 2006 stories on the top-secret National Security Agency terrorist surveillance program. The Times held the NSA story for almost a year while Risen wrote a book about it, then published the same day the book was offered for sale. The story and the book were published despite personal appeals from President Bush. Another, about the secret cooperation of the Belgian "SWIFT" consortium in tracing terrorist financing, was equally damaging.
This was pure Pinch: eagerly publishing top-secret information not out of traitorous intent, but in willful blindness to the effects on national security just to damage George W. Bush.
Risen, who should be rotting in jail until he discloses his sources for the NSA story, is now being subpoenaed to testify in the trial of alleged leaker James Sterling. In a sworn affidavit filed last week in support of a motion to quash the subpoena, Risen testifies that his reporting of the NSA stories drew personal praise from Sulzberger.
Paragraph 8 of the affidavit says that in 2007 Risen received a personal letter from Sulzberger. It said, "Your investigative reporting has been an extraordinary asset to the paper since the day you joined us…But it has now become a central reason that our Washington report is admired by our readers -- not to mention leaders around the nation and the world." High praise for reporting that damaged national security and falsely accused the Bush administration of acting illegally.
Sulzberger wanted to take no chances in 2012. He has pushed Keller aside in favor of the even more liberal Abramson.
Abramson is as committed to liberal dogma as is Sulzberger. In 1999, she co-wrote a front page story buying into Hillary Clinton's "vast right wing conspiracy" theory with "proofs" of a "small secret clique of lawyers in their 30s who share a deep antipathy toward the President." She and her long-time friend Jane Mayer wrote the book Strange Justice about Clarence Thomas. That book became famous twice: once for its assault on Thomas, and later for the sheer number of factual errors and apparent fabrications in it. (Her record of faith to the liberal media culture is too long to recount here, but the Media Research Center's Clay Waters reported a few of her "greatest hits" here.)
Abramson is a fan of the über-liberal Huffington Post. According to the Nation, feminism "has always been an explicit part of Abramson's career." That accounts for both the book about Thomas and the recent failed ethics attack on the sitting justice. Feminism is part of Abramson's persona as well as that of her close friend and Times columnist Maureen Dowd (who, as she proved redundantly in her Sunday column, is evidently the leader of the Times' anti-Catholic binge).
Before Dowd, the Times' anti-Catholic crusader was Anna Quindlen. And there will be others. Pinch finds Catholic women who are anti-Catholic and promotes them. more via Spectator
Israeli Escapes Arab Lynch Mob

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The Liberal Lynch Mob Comes for the Jews Again... |
Just give back land and there is peace they say. Fools.
A 28-year-old worker in a moving company trying to reach Ma'aleh Adumim narrowly escaped a lynch attempt in the village of Issawiya in northeast Jerusalem on Sunday after his GPS device mistakenly directed him there.Here is the Israeli's account.
His car was pelted with stones and he was beaten by locals. The man was rushed to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital sustaining light head injuries.
His life was saved by one of village heads and his sons. "He's lucky he survived," the muhtar told Ynet. "We're against violence from both sides and we must stand up and say no to violence."
Speaking to Ynet from his hospital bed he said that "they started throwing rocks and cement blocks right into the car. I realized I was going to die and I started thinking this isn't the way I want to die."
The realization that he was in hostile territory, he said, came "just as I made the turn, I figured out that I made a mistake, but I didn't realize how big the issue was. This is Jerusalem. This is home."
"Immediately when I made the turn a 12-year-old boy started screaming 'Jew, Jew'. Each time he called out dozens more people arrived." That is when they started throwing rocks and cement blocks into the car.
Nachshon recalled how during the lynch he searched among his assailants for "children or young people, I tried to look them in the eyes and find an ounce of humanity in them but all I could see was murder in heir eyes. I felt my life would be over at any minute."
Nir then described how his life was saved: "Someone came out of nowhere and tried to rescue me from the people; there was screaming but he managed to get me to his house. I was still scared, I didn't feel safe, and the people in the house said they needed to get me out of the village or they would also come under attack.
"I was scared to go out but three of the young guys inside the house said they were with me and would protect me no matter what." The rescuers were one of the village's muhtar's and his sons. "I owe these people my life," Nachshon added "I hope I'll get to meet them again soon and thank them in person."
Gloria Steinem's Anti-Christ!

The former Brooklyn emergency room doctor with a Ph.D. in sexuality has amassed an enormous hoard of 350,000 books, films and photos - from 13th century manuscripts to every issue of Playboy and Screw magazine ever printed.
"It is certainly one of the largest collections of erotology and sexology in the world," he says.
Scheiner, 61, of Flatbush, has been collecting since the late

"I became interested because of the mystery involved," he said. "To hear people talk about it - nobody bought it, nobody sold it, nobody owned it, nobody printed it, nobody illustrated it and nobody bound it, but the books were there and that intrigued me."
He dove headfirst into books that took great effort to decipher.
"I taught myself to recognize most of the dirty words in most of the languages that use the Roman alphabet," he said. "I don't have huge language skills, but I get a pretty good idea of what is going on."
Ultimately, he went into the book business, starting a mail-order company, C.J. Scheiner Books. "I never paid retail for anything," he said.
Scheiner, born in Clifton, N.J., studied molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale, got a medical degree from SUNY Downstate and later earned a Ph.D. from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco.
By the 1980s, the collection swelled, with people selling him rare texts, stacks of magazines, photographs, prints and film reels. All the while, he worked as an emergency room doctor at Kings County Hospital - a job he kept until 2003.
"I supported myself entirely from the book business. I wasn't spending any of my salary from being a doctor on the cost of daily living," he said. "I was dealing in things ranging from $5 to $85,000.
"Of course, I took a lot of money I made selling books and used it to buy more books," he added. "That's why I now have more than 350,000 items."
Shocked woman dies at own funeral after heart attack

A woman died from a heart attack caused by shock after waking up to discover she had been declared dead - and was being prepared for burial.
As mourning relatives filed past her open coffin the supposedly dead woman suddenly woke up and started screaming as she realised where she was.
Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia.
Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov pictured with her husband Fagili. The Russian woman died from shock after waking up at her own funeral
While Obama is afraid to use the word Jihad, Osama Bin Ladin knew exactly what it meant

The problem with the name al-Qaida, bin Laden wrote in a letter recovered from his compound in Pakistan, was that it lacked a religious element, something to convince Muslims worldwide that they are in a holy war with America.
obama is a blood drinking shape shifting reptile via Maybe something like Taifat al-Tawhed Wal-Jihad, meaning Monotheism and Jihad Group, would do the trick, he wrote. Or Jama’at I’Adat al-Khilafat al-Rashida, meaning Restoration of the Caliphate Group.As bin Laden saw it, the problem was that the group’s full name, al-Qaida al-Jihad, for The Base of Holy War, had become short-handed as simply al-Qaida. Lopping off the word “jihad,” bin Laden wrote, allowed the West to “claim deceptively that they are not at war with Islam.” Maybe it was time for al-Qaida to bring back its original name. via and image via
Since I'm not getting any debate here on Gay Marriage

The Progressive Reactionarism of the Postmodern Left

The absurdity of the postmodern left is that it is a chimera crossbred of contradictions mixing together technocracy and environmentalism. Hunting through the trash for discarded food and triumphantly blogging about it on a 500 dollar device. Big government projects and making your own shoes. Stand up to the man and tell him to appoint more bureaucrats. Read Dawkins and then blog about visiting a Middle Eastern mosque. Reject materialism in the latest carefully branded 200 dollar shoes made from recycled rubber tires.
If the old left at least had something resembling rational project, the postmodern left has its broken vestiges, dressed up in directionless rage, superstition, anti-materialism and primitivism. The end result of this progressive reactionarism isn't just ugly, it's unsustainable.
Soros: Euro Could Cause Collapse

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~ now that is commitment |
Destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work. - George Soros
apparently Europe is in the cross-hairs too!
The Daily Beast reports:
In light of the economic crisis in Greece, billionaire investor George Soros has predicted that the EuroZone is in danger of losing a country and urged policymakers to develop a “Plan B.” Soros, who famously made $1 billion in 1992 when he bet against the British pound, declared in a panel discussion in Vienna that the euro has been flawed from the start, not backed by political union or a joint treasury. He encouraged leaders to take precautions now. “Let’s face it: we are on the verge of an economic collapse which starts, let’s say, in Greece but could easily spread,” Soros warned. He suggested the EU adopt new measures, including creating a larger central budget and increasing its bailout fund with money from tax revenue. via
Israel PM's son accused of anti-Islamic comments

notice they avoid talking about the little babies and all the stuff that makes the Anti-Zionists sqeamish.
Two Palestinian men were later charged with killing the young couple and their three children.babies... the word is babies. not just children
Haaretz said the posts were deleted after it inquired about them and were no longer visible on Yair Netanyahu's page.
David Shimron, a lawyer for the Netanyahu family, did not deny the report but called it a "ridiculous and cynical use of a teenager's comments."
Shimron also said the younger Netanyahu had "expressed himself in an informal virtual forum" and that he "respects all people and is ready to live in peace in Israel with people of all identities."
Amongst other comments Netanyahu was said to have posted were that Palestinians "have no land, this is part of Israel, never in history was there a Palestinian state."
He also said that "not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims."
The Israeli prime minister has himself embraced social media and often uses a dedicated page in Facebook and on Youtube to get his political messages across.
statements comparing the Torah & Talmud to Mein Kampf...cannot be legally challenged because of Wilders

The Freedom Party.... plays a very negative role in the current debate on a private bill introduced by the Party for the Animals to prohibit religious slaughter without stunning an animal first. Initially, Wilders’ party’s support for the bill was seen as part of its anti-Islam policies. In the interim, it has been found that the percentage of Dutch Muslims who are not willing to eat Halal meat from stunned animals is very small.
The Freedom Party has supported this prohibition enthusiastically, knowing full well that orthodox Jews will be its main victims. In the parliamentary debate, its spokesman Dion Graus has called religious slaughter “ritual torture.” He also stated that his party is not against Muslims, as the proposed prohibition also hurts Jews. Thus once again, Jews have become an instrument in Dutch politics. When analyzing what consequences the Amsterdam court decision may have for Jews and Israel, one needs to be informed about Dutch anti-Israeli propaganda, which has succeeded in convincing more than 38% of the Dutch population that Israel intends to commit genocide against the Palestinians. This information was found in a major poll undertaken by the University of Bielefeld in Germany. Anti-Israeli inciters regularly publish in most leading Dutch media. The religious slaughter debate has unleashed a sewer of anti-Semitic talkbacks in several mainstream Dutch papers. After the verdict in the Wilders case, many of these as well as statements comparing the Torah and Talmud to Mein Kampf, and claims that Judaism is a sick religion, cannot be legally challenged.
Egyptian Presidential Candidate Questions Osama Bin Laden's Role in 9/11

Juppé: Israeli-PA Summit Initiative 'Not Dead'

French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppé, said Sunday that the French initiative to hold a summit in Paris between Israeli and Palestinian Authority leaders is “not dead.”
Juppé said that the PA leadership had agreed to hold the summit and that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s response on the issue was not negative. He added that a final decision on the summit will be made during a meeting of the Quartet in early July. via Israel National News and dead horse via
Elder of Ziyon: About Delta, Saudi Arabia and Jews

this standard of common airline arrangements is not enabling a discriminating power? If it were black folks would Delta feel differently? Sorry Elder... thanks for the history lesson, but screw DeltaHowever, In 1956, it was discovered that the US agreed upon Saudi request not to station any Jewish troops in an airfield in Dharan, Saudi Arabia.
In 2004, the Saudi tourism website did say explicitly that Jews would not get visas. Embarrassed Saudis claimed it was a mistake and that they had no policy to discriminate against Jews.
And in 1975, when the state of California was planning to send some 200 workers to Saudi Arabia, the plan was scuttled when the Saudis said that no "Zionists" would be allowed, and it was pretty clear after a week of talks that they meant Jews.
It seems to me that the anger at Delta Airlines is misplaced. The problem is with Saudi Arabia itself, as well as those that directly enable its policy of discrimination.
These include Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways, KLM, Air Canada and SwissAir, all of which directly fly into Saudi Arabia.
Where are the protests in Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Holland and France about having their airlines enforce Saudi Arabia's discrimination against Jews and Christians (and I imagine Hindus and Buddhists as well)?
Michelle Obama eats French Fries and Fat Cakes before leaving Africa

Michelle Obama should practice what she preaches. Behavioral eating modification will be on course when she arrives back in the US after her recent trip overseas. French fries and fat cakes were consumed at a local restaurant in Botswana, the First lady’s last day of travel in Africa.
Michelle Obama confessed to a young group at the University of Capetown,”if I picked one favorite, favorite food, its French fries.”
- ...what we all knew without her saying it.
Vetkoek means ‘fat cake, which refers to the method of frying, not baking the bread. It is a classic South African bread, served with savory or sweet fillings.
- 1 kg (2 1/4 pounds) white bread flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 packet instant yeast
- 1 litre lukewarm water (1 quart)
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
In a large dish mix flour, sugar, salt and yeast together.
Slowly add lukewarm water and stir. Combine until dough pulls away from sides of bowl.
Cover with greased kitchen paper, put in warm draft-free place, and allow to double in size.
Heat enough vegetable oil for deep frying.
Fill another dish with cold water and place next to your vetkoek dough.
Wet your hands in cold water before breaking off a piece of dough, rolling it into the shape and size of a tennis ball and carefully lowering it into hot oil. You can easily do five or six vetkoek at a time.
Allow to turn golden brown on all sides by frequently turning. Remove from oil and drain on kitchen paper.
Whilst still hot, slit open and fill with a slice of baloney or, if preferred, a good quality jam or preserve. There is no need to butter these light nibbles.
This South African bread is a perfect lunchtime snack for the kids after school on a cold, winter’s day, thanks to Tannie Babs in Babanango, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
Yield: About 10 vetkoek
recipe from
The Associated Press: Mike Schmidt: Time to end interleague experiment

via Associated Press ...hey look... the AP is biased about baseball too. If you are from Philly and have to play teams that have no historical significance... I guess you would be biased like the AP... but I'm from New York... and I like seeing the Mets play the Yankees and Redsox. Philly doesn't get that same excitement. Their historical rivalries are actually within their league (sometimes moved to another division and they play less of those games with inter league). I suppose if you are from Philly you would like to see the Phillies play the Cardinals or the Pirates more... and they are not in your division. The big classic Philadelphia games are less with Interleague. Put in also the fact that the present system makes money. Mike actually sounds like a baseball insider who is tired of getting on airplanes.all this talk about the Designated Hitter being a problem has me wondering what Schmidt thinks of Gay Marriage. The joke being that Gay people have to have a DH who doesn't field to make babies... oh never mind... of course it was not just a far off metaphor. Seriously though it is the heart of the issue.
Melanie Phillips - The World Turned Upside Down

Christie: I Won’t Sign Same-Gender Marriage Bill in NJ Like Cuomo

NJ Gov. Chris Christie says he won’t sign a bill allowing same-gender marriage in New Jersey like Gov. Andrew Cuomo did in neighboring New York via
Palestinian Unity Agreement a Hoax?

MEMRI's Y. Yehoshua asks the obvious question: was there an actual agreement? Or is it all just for show?
Hamas-Fatah reconciliation?
The fact that there does not exist one official version of the agreement bearing parties' signatures (as well as the conflicting reports in the Fatah and PA media as to which document was signed), suggest that there is a Palestinian and Egyptian effort to obfuscate the facts and conceal the exact wording of the agreement (assuming that any agreement was signed at all). This, in contrast to the document of understandings, which was definitely signed, and was published by various media outlets with the signatures of the Fatah and Hamas leaders.
An analysis and comparison of the documents suggests that the version presented by the Palestinian news agency WAFA as the agreement is not the correct version; its publication possibly constitutes a deliberate attempt to mislead and to conceal the text that was actually signed.[4]
It is far more likely that the agreement actually signed (if any), to which the document of understandings relates, is the document that was published in the Palestinian media on the eve of Fatah's signing of the reconciliation agreement in 2009, under the heading "National Accord Agreement," or else a document very similar to it. via
related: Palestinian Government to be Announced Next Tuesday...Doubtful
why is it I'm so concerned about two people reconciling that want to kill me? strange world.In blow to Palestinian unity, Abbas-Mashaal talks canceled
One can't have TWO STATES with more then TWO PARTIES or with ONE party that wants to kill the other. Can the Catholic church and Hillary Clinton get that concept?
here is the best related story... Hamas conjecture about it's future...
Hamas considers leaving Gaza government and concentrating more on terrorism's "a burden on its resistance enterprise". yeah right.Reporters fuming over flotilla threat

Israel warned foreign journalists on Sunday they could be barred from the country for 10 years if they board a new flotilla that plans to challenge an Israeli naval blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.
In a statement sent by email to Reuters and other international news organizations, Oren Helman, director of Israel's Government Press Office, said participation in the flotilla would be "an intentional violation" of Israeli law.
A year ago, nine Turkish activists, including one with dual U.S.-Turkish nationality, were killed by Israeli soldiers who raided a Gaza-bound aid convoy and were confronted by passengers wielding clubs and knives.
Pro-Palestinian activists have said ships carrying aid to the Gaza Strip could depart from European ports in the coming days.
Helman said that sailing in a new flotilla "is liable to lead to participants being denied entry into the State of Israel for ten years, to the impoundment of their equipment and to additional sanctions."
The Foreign Press Association on Sunday urged the government to reverse its threat to punish journalists covering the Gaza flotilla, saying that the move "sends a chilling message to the international media and raises serious questions about Israel's commitment to freedom of the press."Freedom of the Press - like other freedoms - is not absolute. It does not include the right to become part of the story, nor does it include the right to allow oneself to be used as a human shield at no risk. via
The statement added, "Journalists covering a legitimate news event should be allowed to do their jobs without threats and intimidation," calling on the government to "reverse its decision immediately."
Delta Saudi flap leaves questions of openness to Jewish flyers

No Jews, no Bibles on flights to Saudi Arabia?
The Anti-Defamation League said that the Saudi policies are especially burdensome for Jewish travelers.
“Saudi Arabia’s past practice of banning travelers with an 'Israel' stamp in their passport from gaining entry into the country runs contrary to the spirit and intent of Delta’s non-discrimination policy,” the ADL said. “While this practice affects all travelers who previously visited Israel, it has a disproportionate impact on Jewish passengers.
"Moreover, Saudi Arabia also bars anyone from bringing into Saudi Arabia religious ritual objects, including religious texts, from any faith other than Islam, effectively banning religiously observant Jews from entering the country.”
The ADL wants all airlines that partner with those that fly to Saudi Arabia to make their practices clear.
In a statement the ADL said, “We expect Delta, and any other American airline which flies to Riyadh or partners with an airline that flies there, to ensure that its passengers -- whatever their faith -- not be discriminated against, and that no American airline in any way enable, or facilitate this discrimination, whatever the regulations of Saudi Arabia.”
Jordanian Replacement for Mavi Marmara

Al-Ska explained that an Arab ship had to take part because the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, the focus of last year's attempt to break the blockade, would not be ready for this year's flotilla. The Jordanian delegation will consist of 35 people, representing professional unions, political parties and Islamic movements from five countries.the blockade is over. this is merely a threat to Jewish lives.
just like Alice Walker... women who say they don't hate Jews because they fucked one

Walker's harsh view towards Israel may be influenced by her personal life. She frequently mentions her Jewish ex-husband, usually with negative connotations. In a rambling piece she wrote in 2009, she described giving a gift to a Palestinian woman:
I gave her a gift I had brought, and she thanked me. Looking into my eyes she said: May God Protect You From the Jews. When the young Palestinian interpreter told me what she’d said, I responded: It’s too late, I already married one. via
Iran Urges Criminals to Rape Detained Dissidents

Prison guards in Iran are giving condoms to criminals and encouraging them to systematically rape young opposition activists locked up with them, according to accounts from inside the country's jail system.
...Mehdi Mahmoudian, an outspoken member of Iran's Participation Front, a reformist political party, is among those prisoners who have succeeded in smuggling out letters revealing the extent of rape inside some of the most notorious prisons.
..."In various cells inside the prison, rape has become a common act and acceptable," he wrote in a letter published on, the official website of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi.
According to Mahmoudian and letters published on various opposition websites, political prisoners are locked up with some of the most dangerous criminals – murderers and ex-members of armed gangs.
According to Mahmoudian, who has been transferred to a solitary confinement after his letter attracted attention, one young prisoner was raped seven times in a single night.
"In [Rajaeeshahr] prison, those who have pretty faces and are unable to defend themselves or cannot afford to bribe others are forcibly taken to different cells each night [to be raped]," he writes.
"The situation is such that those exposed to rape even have an owner and that owner makes money by renting him out to others and after a while selling him to someone else."